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Divorce Law

When a marriage ends, effective legal counsel can help you look ahead while protecting your rights and those of your children. At Wagner Law in Middlebury, our knowledgeable family law attorney offers personalized representation for men and women who are going through a divorce. With more than 25 years of legal experience, we can identify and implement creative solutions to the most difficult disputes. Whether a case entails disputes over child custody, property division, spousal support or other matters, our focus is always on the long-term well-being of clients and their children.

Proven Middlebury Law Firm Safeguards The Rights Of Spouses And Children.

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Knowledgeable Advisor Explains Key Matrimonial Law Issues

We represent husbands and wives in divorces and give them the information they need on each aspect of the Vermont divorce process, including:

  • Grounds — Vermont law gives you the option of filing for a no-fault divorce when the marriage is irretrievably broken. Traditional fault grounds such as adultery and extreme cruelty are also available. We can explain which option serves you best.
  • Mediation and collaboration — Whenever possible, our firm works to resolve dissolution terms through litigation alternatives such as mediation and collaborative divorce. These methods give you control of the process while avoiding unnecessary expense.
  • Alimony — A court can award spousal support when there is an income disparity between partners and one will have trouble meeting their needs after a divorce. After reviewing your situation and relevant factors such as age, health and earning ability, we tell you what you can expect and advocate for a suitable resolution.
  • Division of marital assets and debts — We make a detailed review of marital assets and debts and provide effective negotiation to secure a fair agreement on property division. If this cannot be achieved, our firm advocates for an appropriate result under Vermont’s equitable distribution standard.

In addition to the legal and emotional stress divorce brings, it can take a financial toll. To help you move forward positively, we offer cost-effective rates and unbundled representation where you decide the specific tasks that you want the firm to handle.

Effective Attorney Handles Child Custody And Visitation Arrangements

Known as “parental rights and responsibilities” under state law, legal and physical custody are based on what the court considers to be in the best interests of the child. Our firm recognizes that even when a divorce is unfriendly, everyone benefits when parents can work together to raise their sons and daughters. By taking a personal approach to these situations, we develop a thorough understanding of the child’s physical, emotional, social and educational needs. From there, we work tirelessly to create custody arrangements that enable a child to thrive and maintain strong bonds with both parents.

Caring Advocate Seeks To Establish Fair Child Support Terms

Children should not suffer financial hardship because their parents break up. Vermont law requires parents without primary physical responsibility to send child support payments so they contribute to their children’s needs as they did while living together. Rates are based on a series of factors including the incomes of each parent, the number of nights the noncustodial parent spends with their son or daughter, and costs for health insurance and child care. Our firm makes sure that accurate information is submitted for the calculation and also represents parents during enforcement and modification matters.

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Let us help you!

Please call 802-388-4026 or contact us online to schedule an appointment at our office in Middlebury. We also offer remote meetings through Zoom or telephone.